Courses and pedagogical resources

« Dance supplies grace to the advantages we receive from nature, by ruling all the motions of the body, and by confirming its right positions  […] We can say for the glory of our Nation that it has the proper taste for nice Dancing.… » Pierre Rameau, Le Maître à danser, 1725
The XVIIth century sees the appearance of a way of dancing at the roots of European dancing styles. Under the reign of  Louis the XIVth, great lover of Art, are created famous institutions such as the Royal Academy of Dance in 1661, the Royal Academy of Music in 1669, the French Comedy in 1680… The "rules" of dancing are codified: the five positions, the name of the steps - and the status of "professional dancer" appears.
Come and dance with us minuet, gavotte, bourrée, saraband... according to the rules of the XVIIth and XVIIIth centuries.

You'll also find here links to useful resources for the knowledge of historical dancing and to friends' websites.


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  • Ballet des 5 Sens

    The King's Gardens are the perfect venue for a live game, following the five senses...

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You'll find here visual examples, brochures and downloadable content: Danses au (Pas)sé in press, everything in two pages, biography